The Sunday World media outlet reports that South Africa’s leading and hospitality group, Sun International, lost more than R2.2 billion in the first months of COVID-19. According to the newspaper, it had gained access to a Sun International internal report where it learned these figures. According to Sunday World, the report shows that:
Sun International’s property in the Western Cape, GrandWest, took the biggest knock, losing R543 million between March and June, 2020. The document reads that in March 2020 alone, the GrandWest lost R102 million in revenue. It went on to lose R179 million in April , R179 million in May and R181 million in June, 2020.
The Cape-based Table Bay Hotel recorded a loss of R81.4 million between March and June.
The Times Square property in Pretoria lost out on revenue of up to R392 million.
Carnival City missed out on R240 million.
Maslow Hotel in Sandton came in at R36.7 million under budget.
Sun City Resort showed a staggering loss of R426.8 million
The Sibaya Resort in Kwa-Zulu Natal had a reported loss of R320million.
The Carousel in the North West registered revenue loss of R21.9 million.
Sun International, along with its industry rivals such as TsogoSun, has been faced with many challenges since the pandemic swept through South Africa and the rest of the world. The gaming and hospitality industry is still trying to ride out the ongoing waves of lockdowns, restrictions, and the opening and closing of the market.
Sun International has implemented many entry requirements to its properties, as required by law. Individuals who don’t comply with these requirements are not allowed into Sun International-operated properties.
The latest restrictions determine that only MVG cardholders are allowed onto casino floors. Visitors need to sanitize their hands at entrances, check-in counters and before entering the vehicles on the properties. They also need to undergo temperature checks and complete a medical screening questionnaire. Anyone with a temperature of over 37.3 degrees, or has flu-like symptoms will be isolated for a secondary assessment.
In the event that visitors arrive for a hotel stay, their temperatures are checked each day, when they arrive at the hotel and when they depart it.
Sun International has made it a mandatory to wear a cloth or disposable mask at all times and to keep a distance from others of 1.5 meters at all times.
In the event of a suspected coronavirus case, Sun International will take the following steps: